ps: i am ;P
malam ni tak berapa nak best..tatau nape.
owh..luse aku nak pegi Bukit Gambir, nak jumpe anak buah2an ngn uMi depa.

dok peace2 tu aMni, yg muLat tu ciKWan
nak blogging, takdak idea lak lam pale ni. ceit!
drive jauh lagik, penat...huhuu
da 2 hari dok bising2 kat wall facebook geng2 aku...aku lapar takoyaki~~~
tadik...aku berjaye heret geng aku g JuscoBukitTinggi demi takoyaki octopus ku, ngeh ngeh ngeh...
muke bongkak dapat seret geng nak pegi puaskan tekak sendrik
3box ohhkay aku+ain balun tadik...sirap+chot de la rase sebutir je tadi.
da rest is MINE ( ain de gak share, hehee)...miahahahaaa~~~~
die ade macam2 filling, tapi aku prefer octopus nye
sekotak 3bijik je pon...tapi, herot berot gak la mulut mase nak kunyah tako ni sebijik2
> tako ni kena makan sebijik skali ngap, baru feel lebih <
subang - manjung - subang
assalamualaikum wbt...
last friday i went to Manjung, Perak to fetch my mama. told you last time... it was a 3+ hours drive from Subang to Manjung ( i did drove it all the way ohhkayy). that morning, it was pouring rain i tell you. my view is like 50+ meters only, so i have to drive modestly that day since i'm like a car racer when it comes to driving, ngeh3. saw a few minor accidents along the way...once, i saw a car went into 'parit' due to road becoming so slippery.
well, it was the other way around on the way back to Subang. it was HOT...rase cam nak pasang airCond lebih letak atas bumbung keta je, huhuu... since the car was packed, i mean, really PACKED, it was 4+ hours drive back. MAMA this, buy that. seb bek bawak kancil je, tu pun soping cam bawak lori pasir tu. and not to forget, my pakCu oso gave us kerepeks to munch2...THANK YOU PAKCU!!!
well, it was the other way around on the way back to Subang. it was HOT...
otw back home...kena la pakai shades, panas derr. noticed the things at the back seat??
hasil tangkapan dari manjung+lumut
FYI, the bonnet also packed (with mama's AF beg, lol~~~). that's explained why i had to 'campak' all these things at the back seat. ni baru pi umah pakcu amik my mama je, lum gi pi holiday+soping sungguh. memang kena bawak trelar 18tayar ah baru nak muat segale barang2 kang..huhuuu.....
ps: sape2 nk pesan kerepek ke, hasil2 laut ke, meh ler. sedap woo mende2 yg aku beli nih eh2, mama aku la yg beli sebenarnye, janji tak tipu. lau aku gi manjung lagi la kan.hahaa...
assalamualaikum wbt...
setelah berminggu-minggu dok ulang alik Padang Jawe nak merasa nasi kukus yg menjadik buah muLut si sirap+chot ni, hari ni, akhirnye......aku dapat rase, yeay!!
terliur tak...terliur x....
rase die pade aku, hmm...ok la. ayam goreng die rangup, aku memang suke sal aku bole ratah sampai tulang temulang die. kuah kari, kari kot...ntah, so so la (lau tambah garam gi sket, okeh kot...). nasi die memang sehat la kan, name pom nasi kukus kan...
muke xsabo nak terkam ayam tuh..ngeh3
tapi, bile da makan ramai2, mende so so pon jadi mabeLes. seronok kan makan ngn geng nih...nak nak lagik yg kuat melantak cam aku nih, memang bebaloi baloi ah...
sesi makan ngumpat bermula...wee~~~
fatin: fokus...fokus....
sesi membaham sampai ke tulang terakhir..heheee wo dapat makan tulang rangup tadik ;P
muke puas kenyang dapat makan nasi kukus
okeh, until next time aku gi melantak lagik.
ps: tadik aku gi makan ngn ain+chot+shirad+fatin+zatie...kami geng suke makan2, wee~~~~
Justin Bieber - Somebody To Love Remix ft. Usher
the ONLY JustinBieber's song that i truly LIKE+addicted...ewww kt diri sendrik sekarang, huhuuu
me face...
assalamualaikum wbt...
once upon a time, this is me...
i don't know what happen, but this happened last Nov2010...
jerawat big+huge as MtEverest is here and there around me face, see all the bukits of jerawat..huhuuu
thanks to Clinique's 3-Step Skin Care System (thank you my lovely sister for paying all these, hehee...), my latest picas...
but see the difference, my skin getting smooth-er..all what's left is scars and 1 or 2 pimple. and im getting round-er, huhuu
fyi, i've started using the skin care set since Jan2011.
fyi, i've started using the skin care set since Jan2011.
i'll keep posting (janji kuat2 kat diri sendrik nih) on my skin's recovery until i'm getting to this...again. if not, better.theehehee...
with ze heLp of makeUp here n there la opkos nih..tu yg nampak sweet je even aku memang sweet pon, lol~~~
yesterday was the best EVER...don't think, ever, doing assignment can be SO-MUCH-FUN!!! Thanks for bagiLLion times guys.....i heart u guys so much.
these are few sneak peek at what we were doing at the beach.....
cam biase, kene camwhoring lu...hehee
yeay...nk sampai da.
setting baek lu..
sesi brainstorming..scene ape nak buat dulu..
tgh hapal2 tu sempat agi nk sengih2..ngee~~~
bakpo payoh ngat ni nk hapa,huhuuu(abaikn muke nk nanges tuh)
lau da kt tepi laut ni, mesti nk men lompat2..hehee
aku sorang je kaki pendek, xle nk lompat tinggi2.wuwuuuu...
ok2,da2 main lompat2 tu..sambung balik shooting.pacik sblh tu tgh bising,hehee
ain...gambattene for helping us. i heart u lah..
sambil tunggu makanan pom sempat agi wat keje tau...
lapar doe..xpandang kanan kiri da nage due org nih...
we had so much fun...from the beginning till the end of the day. But the highlight of that day was at the end of the day..what is it, biarlah rahsia. ape2 hal mmg buat kitorang sakit perut+liver+pankreas+segale lah. ngeh3~~~
sadlym (betul ke sad nih,hahaa), this is our last assignment ever to shoot video since it is the last time we took 3rd language as our pre-requisite to finish our degree here in UiTM. Anyhow, U guys rock!!!
padan muke aku..sape suruh tak study mandarin awal2...kan da hantar ketas kosong je tadik.
huahuahua~~~~~~~~ kompom C ah sem nih.zemmit!!
k, nak pi wat lab ntah pape lak petang ni.
huahuahua~~~~~~~~ kompom C ah sem nih.zemmit!!
k, nak pi wat lab ntah pape lak petang ni.
ari ni konon2 taknak keluar mane2, pasal esok ade test, nak kene study. skali adik aku dtg shah alam sal die nak amik barang tertinggal dlm keta aku, then ajak aku nak ikut depa tak pergi jusco bukit raje.
aku terpakse......ikot!!! heheee....
dapat la makan best (dian belanje makan OldTown), dapat beg soping best (dian soping manyak kt jusco tadik), dapat main dgn Mia (yg da sgt bambam), dapat powder miyami+shower foam teddie (dian soping lagik kt Cosway) and lastly dapat gado sakat ezat (laki dian, kami mmg mcm meow woofWoof), theeheeeeheeeee.....
sampai2 umah ain (o..aku skrg ahli tak rasmi umah sewa ain,hehee), online dulu. study ntah ke mane...aku gile sengal. (sila jgn contohi sikap ini)
k...nak sambung online jap, pas maghrib kang baru nk start study. mangkuk kan saye...
aku suke makan...
seperti tajuk di atas...aku suke makan. jumaat lepas aku+ain nk pegi amik mama kt Bangi (umah macik a.k.a cikMimi), on da way nk ke sane kami singgah Alamanda (kt Putrajaya tu) jap. cengkonon nk pegi redeem barang kt kaunter Clinique, aku bajet kt Alamanda mesti ade nye. nk barang free kn, sape yg tak gagah nk pegi redeem kn kn kn... ;P
ok, kembali ke topik asal kite ye kakLimah...carik Clinique kt Parkson, takde rupenye. ok, keciwa sgt. teTibe, teringat........kt foodcourt ade waffle mabeLes. dolu2 cousin aku penah bawak aku makan waffle ni, lame da ahh. lantas, aku dgn sepantas kiLatnye seret ain pegi foodcourt laju2. ain penin2 ikut je la....
courtesy from GoogleImages
terus laju2 order choc marshmallow waffle with ice cream. ade yg on stick punye, tapi kerna aku nye size tank perut XXXL, mane cukop doe. yg stick tu kalau makan sorang2 ok la, aku kn nk makan dgn member. huh, alasan semate ini. heheee....
muke tak sabar nak melahap waffle wallaweyh ni...n, aku bambam.
first bite a.k.a. gigitan pertama...auuwww~~~
partner in crime..ngeh3
muke happy dapat makan besh...heheee
tapi, kena diet. laling da bising suh kuruskan perut moncit nih. nak makan waffle sedap ni lagi, laling ni bising ah suh i kurus2 nih...wuwuwuuuuu~~~
kami makan ni...choc marshmallow waffle with ice cream. yum2!!
aftermath (leleh doe tengok, mane bole tahan)....hehehee
ohh...bagi aku waffle ni agak tak mahal, depa tak kedek barang n eskem. rm8.90...ok la kn??
p/s: sape2 nk pegi makan mende ni, bawak aku skali!!!
mama kami...getting better~~~
assalamualaikum wbt...
since her last my mama is getting better,alhamdulillah~~~ but since she's almost 59yrs old, her healing process rather slow compared to others...
and even though she still had to go through series of follow-ups and CT scan for upcoming weeks, she is getting better every single day. and now, she's being cared by my super best pakCu+makSu at Manjung, Perak ( cuz i can't, sob sob..cuz i'm not at home 24/7, sob sob...)
aMaa~~~~get healthy, n hepi owes.
love u~~~ miss u~~~ muah3s?!!!!
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